crazy fon wind - revise
The pronunciation of FON is similar to the Chinese of " Wind " and " Crazy ", this is exactly the situation I am facing for the last 2 months. It perfectly reflects what I've been gone through.
This is impossible to catch the wind, especially to hold on the tail of the wind. You have to be very elegant, never take it seriously, not to hold, but to stand still and to embrace. and it will sometimes drive you crazy, crazy for the changing in every minutes, crazy for the open decision every time, crazy for the ping-pong in between without any conclusion.
The party involved in the Fon game creates the multiple and complicate dimension which I don't think any single person can handle, when aj asked me " Don't think too much ", I realized this is a strategy forcing me not to be prepared for solicitation relevant information. Everyone in the Fon Game have his own agenda, none of them share the same interest, ( well, maybe one, to secure the best interest of their own ) so, it will never be a win-win situation in establishing a Fon TW entity.
I buy this rare experience for the last 2 months, the cost is: my time ( the most precious resource I can credit ), some money ( around 200,000 NT I guest ) and relationship ( to know a person who I call friend before, to break my promise to 2 young talent which I never did before and to lead a non-performing direction with my dearest colleagues / friend in Lichun ), this is a great lesson.
aj play the hard ball and consider to win the game by threaten the foreign investor, he maybe right, as the terms and condition changes on the last minutes, he can't afford to lose everything, so , why not bring everything back to zero? The only victim is me - not in his payroll, but he paid a price already. The negotiation power play may set a bad example for other European - Taiwan Joint Venture, BenQ highlight these days, the next JV talk with European company will be more difficult, we will pay more, they will by more insurance by creating a higher bar and asking for more money.
for Fon - to have the market or not is a question, they can test the lowest possible way to establish the company, by getting resource from HK / Korea and to build the bubble, without the Ball and Chain, they can even souring multiple supplier in Fon enable devices. Taiwan will never be the primary market for them, as it won't generate decent valuation for the parent company.
for Martin, a game for 20 millions for him is disposable, he can sell it to anyone to stop the bleeding, if he catch a big shot, nerveless, all the operation means nothing to him. Martin call himself a " Start up " CEO, always find his way to exit is the strategy behind his rationale.
for me. Well. A lesson cost what I mentioned above. I learn how to build a company for sale, knowing how a culture can turn the company and how the employee of the company learn the bad way from their boss, and how to appreciate the irrational challenge. I am not emotion, but my believe of fairness and integrity to friendship bring me to a difficult situation.
for Accton, to use Fon for acquired governmental fund of 300 millions in injection on their own business is a never losing game. Without the Fon brand, they are materialize their own technology and device, provide the same solution to M-Taiwan. So, Fon simply play the role of buying the entrance ticket for them.
the answers is now surfacing. aj will doing this his way , with or without Fon, even without Accton. Fon will find his way to solve the branching problem, with or without talent recruit in TAIWAN and without me. I might be out of the game. Yes, A Stand By CEO so to speak.
Our family had a Beijing Crispy Roast Duck dinner last night to celebrate my final moment away from the Fon Hell.
This is the end of a story and a story to be ended.
Fon is like Wind and it will drive you crazy before blow you away.
Fon is like wind
the prononciation of FON is similar to the Chinese of " Wind " and " Crazy ", this is exactly the situation I am facing for the last 2 months. it perfectly reflect what I've been gone through.
This is impossible to catch the wind, especially to hold on the tail of the wind. you have to be very elegent, never take it seriously, not to hold, but to stand still and to embrace. and it will sometims drive you crazy, crazy for the changing in every minutes, the party invloved creative the multiple dimention for any sigle person to handle, everyone have his own agenda, non of them share the same interest, so, it will never be a win-win situaiton in establishing a Fon TW entity.
I buy this rare experience for the last 2 months, the cost is : my time ( the most precious resuource I can credit ), some money ( around 200,000 NT I guest ) and relationship ( to know a person who I call friend before, to break my promise to 2 young talent which I never did before and to lead a non-performing direction with my dearest colleages / friend in Lichun ), this is a great lesson.
aj play the hard ball and consider to win the game by threaten the foreign investor, he maybe right, as the terms and condition changes on the last minutes, he can't affort to lose everythings, so , why not bring everything back to zero? the only victim is me - not in his payroll, but he paid a price before.
for Fon - to have the market or not is a question, they can test the lowest possible way to establish the company, by the resouce from HK / Korea and to build the bubble, without the chainsaw, they can even souring multiple supplier in Fon enable devices. Taiwan will never be the primary market for them, as it won't generate decent valutiaon for the parent company.
for Martin, a game for 20 millions is affordable, he can sell it to anyone to stop the bleeding, if he catch a big shot, neverlessly, all the operation means nothing to him. he claim himself a " Star up " CEO, alway find his way to exit is the strategy behind his rationale.
for me. well. a lesson cost what I mentioned above? I learn how to build a company for sale, knowing how a culture can turn the company and how the employee of the company learn the bad way from their boss, and how to appreciate the irrationale challenge. I am not emotion, but my feeling of fairness bring me to a diffcult situaiton.
for Accton, to use Fon for acquired govenmental fund of 300 millions in injection on their own business is a never losing game. without the Fon brand, they are materialize their own technology and device and provide the same solution to M-Taiwan. so, Fon simply play the role of buying the entrance token for them.
the answers is now surfacing. aj will doing this his way , with or without Fon, even without Accton. Fon will find his way to slove the branching problem, with or without talent recruit in TAIWAN. I might be out of the game. yes, A Stand By CEO so to speak.
our family had a Beijing Crispy Roast Duck dinner last night to celebrate my final moment away from the Fon Hell.
this is the end of a story and a story to be ended.
Fon is like Wind and it will drive you crazy.
A great lesson
if my loyal to friend and my value of friendship been hi-jacked as weakness, what should I do? willim and vivian came to my office explaning to me what happened in the afternoon and express to me there's no way to continue this situation, they decided to quit. this is a perfect solution to Accton, as they are now keen in getting Fon to agree with their terms, without a working team in Taiwan, Fon will losing his postion in negociating on a better deal, there's no way for Fon to speed up and to slow down is what Accton doing, buy themself more time and more to get better condition.
Maybe I am wrong, but it dosen't matter, what I should be is to really distinglish who is my Brother, who is my friend and who is my potential customer. there won't be any emotion, it won't get me anywhere.
relief from the delimn is a good thing, but time in not on my side, I've waste almost 2 months in such a non-performing activity, a very expensive lesson, as a company of 3, my direction is the entire company's resouce directon, Celine and Eugenia follow every step after me, if I am leading a wrong way, we don't have the luxury to re-do it again.
Good intention and Faith are totally different, I fully agree with Celine's comment, I should have belive in csr, similar to Stan's carry the Branding mission, no matter how people treat me like a stupid, but as I say it always, say it loud, I can ultimately own this domain. this is what I should do.
YPO friend are my resource, not my potencial customer, resouces if or coorporation , not to pitch, I should learn how to differeciate the relationship, to avoid a bigger mistake in the future and bigger mis-understanding to deepen my frustration.
How to run a talent managment company without doing what's been done before? how to leverage instead of operate? how to find right person to assist and to perform? this is good question to think before the Coco management development. never do the wrong thing twice, this is a very important learning, I should havt a tatoo somewhere in my heart.
Can't wait to bring my wife with me to Angkor Wat again, the Hotel De Le Paix and every memory in Siem Reap.
writing 3 article in one day.
A very firm believe
I have to believe that saying big is much important than selling big. esecpically when you carry a huge message like CSR, today, with the help of Celine, we finalize the the tone of csr Community offical site - My journey / guide to CSR, all the professional service are cheap because they are expert, to add on the value to be expensive quotation, my ink in the catagrory is essential.
we slove 2 key element in business development , one is " Why ? " - we idetify the need of CSR is much advance than brand, " How ? " - we learn the hard way and fine turn the product and service to a " skin care than cosmetic ' concept, the 3rd in the row is " Why us? or Why me ? this must be me. a man who can easily access to a " First Class " customer and quote with a reasonable high price. this is very crucial for the sustainblitlty.
Lunch with H. Han, he mentioned the Brand and Marketing is importing when dealing CSR with business owner, never target our client Holyman. the Coco initative cause her interesting, this is to capitalized what I had before and maximize my knowledge and experince in exchange with resource.
Carl appear in front of me at the Golden Bell award judge meeting - this is the first TV program judging award, I like to participate to make my resume a much proficient way. see what happen.
return flight
take Angkor airway flight back, the airway was operated by FET , with the higher authority and power, in Cambodia, you can do almost everything with the assistant of money, this is the sad and true story in every under developed country.
I took a 8 minutes helicaptor tour at Angkor Wat yesterday, this is the option program we are planning to offer on the December trip, this is magnaficant, although this is a bit of risk on your own, however, when seeing a French polit, we ease our uncertainty, this is my first experience in the helicaptor flight, from a higher view to see the entire Angkor Wat, it is really a different experience, the 8 minutes like a flash, we check the Angkor Ballon - the still Hot Ballon before the helicaptor flight, it is OK.
Last 2 site viist turn to be very specific and good, the Sanquenc center ( Hope center ) orphanage visit is good, we immediately decide to buy the sourvier from their workshop and to invite the kids to perform on the closing dinner on Dec. 8th. the children center was set up by one Italian foundation and operated in an excellent way, currently, they keep 48 kids with them, age from 3 to 17, teach them all the skill need to be equipped,and forming a family in the garden.
The Ashian art institution is another great place to be, administ by a French and donate from overseas, they provide training to all the Cambonian teenager who willing to learn the traditional art skill, this is a free program and they offer free accomodation for those coming from other provicies. Bengo is consider to adop the same concept in China, for the disabled , for providng the same training. this is good.
on the flight, they asked how am I worked and what's the statu of csr Community? a friendship conversation, need is the key from their challenge, am I too early to promote CSR ? Or this is an infant industry to be ? I am not sure, but to think hard about the need from corporate and from the executive is very important? How can I use only 3 minuts to explain what's CSR and how it can make the corporate gaining more porfit?
The other great point is to reassuance the idea of forming a mangemenet company with Coco, this is to captilize what I have before and to make belive it will generate decent money? kind of weired, but this is a crule world. Never say never and don't draw a line to what you were credit before.
The dinner with Wei is another good experience, may access to Soft Bank if the developemnt continue, I am hoping to ride on my experience further, I need to.
Angkor Wat - the lost turn lust city
For the sake of preparing YPO coming couple's outing - according to some uncertainty such as : Completing of Hotel One, service launch for TAIWAN HIGHSPEED RAILWAY, we have to re-identify the destination, via some introduction, we choose Angkor Wat and heading for the trial run on Sep. 30th, the very efficient decision done between Bengo, Steven and me. 10 days after we switch to the alternation plan, we book the Hotel De La Paix - a boutique hotel open for operation less than a year.
This is a great explore for me, although over heard a lot of how spectalar and magnificent Angkor Wat can be, and why it was list in the 7 wonders of the world, unless I am the day chair for the tour, I might not be able to see it at this perticular time. in the turning point of this ancient city and the evolving country -Cambodia.
Take the Angkor Airway direct flight to Angor Wat ( Wall ), we took advange of S. Tusi's power - he is the Chairman of FAT, which operate 100% of Angkor Airway, screeze 3 seats and depart / return on our own wish - as the direct flight were 100% chartered by Travelling Agency, they only plan a 5 days 4 nights package, for us, the maximan of staying is 2 nights 3 days. well, they made it.
Arrvied at the Angkor Airport by 11:10, the custom is full of curruption, inside your passport, you must insert with 3 USD, we don't know who initiate it, but as it develop to a routine, it improve some administration efficiency but at the same time, perform a block out effect to Westerner - who will never bribe for nothing. this is a very new airport, we were told later that it started to operate by this July. the hotel we stay is only 25 minutes to the airport, a very modern, comtemporary and beautiful hotel, with only 107 rooms, you can see all the unique design all over the hotel.
to perform a trial, we begin with checking the room and facility in the hotel and decide to try as many restaurant and check other 5 star hotels as possible, it end up with having 8 meals in a days and checking 6 hotels at the same time. this is a never before experience. Bengo really know the hotel business, check the seats, and review the menu, talking to executive chef and question the sales director.
The resource in Angkor Wat is getting rich now, unfortunately, when walked out at midnight to the pub street, the Tutu ( Tricycle ) and steet stopper asked if we need to find Woman, this is so sad, a holy city and regilious place now full of seductiona and ruined by the capitalist. I feel bad about it, a sub-study told me nexst year, there will be more than 100 new hotels build and beginning their service. tghe quality will turn soure and the desire will kill the holy city agian.
I enjoy the food in the hotel we stay and really impressed by the artistic lounge, a great place to hide away. I will return with my wife in Nov. the hight season.
second day is the day for attractions, Angork Thom ( Big Angakor ) and the smiling Cambodia is truly touching, the Taren temple ( Where the movie Tomb Raider shooting scene ) and Angkor Wat is the best among the best.
Stop at Chez Shophia for lunch, Matther - the owner tell us about the corruption and how the tour guide ruin their life, we were so upsat about the immature attiture perform by Shai Chen, with a " No commision " he throw the empty bottle to the restaurant without taking care of guest feeling, only care about money and the concern of if he will get rich soon, a boy of 24 eagly to get rich, greedy in the business he just enter ( 2 weeks in the touring guide industry ), I don't know what went wrong, well if we recall the day before how we witness the Temple Club and Angkor What pub, we be never know we were in the place suffer by cival war for 27 years and be inferior from 16 centries.
Vrouth is another ideal place for dinner, this is another great place, owner - Faibien share with us the same story about the commision problem, it seems this gourgues cite it going to be lost again, I feels really bad about it.