Second day in Beijing
Breakfast with Jeremy was a very inspring encounter, he is a better CEO than me, I seldom listen to others, but this time at the breakfast , I listen, by careful and attensive listening, I am engaged with knowledge I never experienced before, in my old days, talk, teach, speech and coach were instict, I sponteneously respone to all the question, challenge, begging or seeking for help, I never stop talking, and use up all my heart and energe in listening, only listen you can learn, I learn my lesson from 2 sessions, one from the breakfast session, the other from the lunch arranged by Mark. he is such a morvourese person, creating opportunity to see and explore my view to the leaders in China - in the perspective of business world.
Jeremy is an excellent story teller, he knows how to use mataphore and how to attract listerner, more over, he can point out the key point from conversation, he go through a process of accessment in my new company, do I have a single powerful DNA, can I replicate them ? does the scalablity an sustainablility is feasialbe to my new company; and then, bring me to a goal setting envirement, how can I make a living out of this dream business, If I only equipped with passion with no skill, then every effort will be in vain, and most likely, my passion will drive me away to trival issues and focus will be loosed. I love the way he conduct the conversation with me, And it reflect to the old days when I managed a big corporation, and the role I play such like him. but talking will never learn, I apprecaite the session we go over this morning, it gave me new aspect to learning, from bottom of my heart.
Lunch at Beijing Hyatt, Mark order vegetarian food for us, since another lengenary Mark is join us - Mark Chen, we switch our appetise to vegi food, during the lunch, I listen, very carefull, take notes with the permission of Mark Chen, I didn't want to interput, I want to be an good listener and learn what I lack of in the field of running an NGO or taking the best consultant's expertise in handling issues.
The battle of conversation was stirred by Mark Han in purpose, he invited antoher great lady Su-sing to join the lunch, a female entreprenure who also play vital role in the Alashm SEE NGO, Mark set the rule for them to talk , to express and to come up with intellegence ideas. I learn a great deal from Mark, as he point out the so-called Social Venture Capital and told us about the Robinhood foundation - how they gathering, how they process and how they failed - due to arrogant and proud. Su-ching teach me how different to be a start up and be an CEO, the engeireeing of building up a company is the secret of success, she hold the similar back ground as me, start with culture business ( entertainment ) and turn to ISP. TO BE CONTINUE.
Here I come again - Beijing
I recall my last memory in Beijing was on the days of EMBA student swap session, that's 3 plus years ago, and the memory bring me to Shen Shang, where we had a outing for a date. and Beijing changed, I know, but I can't really tell the difference, more cars - much more, people wearing much classy and all the facility trun to a developing - richness flovor. I didn't enduge myself to the glory of Beijing, but focus on working, thinking about how I may encountered with people I met for the day.
It's a great experience to live a high morale life, put myself in the world of material and seduction, excape the desire of desire, I survived the night finally, I am proud of being the challenged people, there are days aheads, and I should keep this believe as tatoo to me and live with my high morale standards.
Mark is smart and nice, I enjoyed to follow his schedule, observe him and response his intellenge in between. I have to leave for another meeting now and may return for finishing my first day at Beijing.
The taxi driver express his uncomfortable feeling at me last night, how come a stranger like me turn to be his sycogrist? nevermine, this is meant to be. enjoy the life and enjoy all the happening in a positive thinking.
Snow is melting
Wife called early in the morning, she is questioning me why not call back last night when she hang on the phone. actually, when we finish the conversation last night, it was close to 1 am and I was told to think it over, so, I took a shower and back to normal. but she called. more aggrestive and more irrationale.
I wasn't plan to reveal anything, but to point out the trigger - the tipping point of turning the never ending qurrel - to be honest, I didn't start the fire and I didn't fight back, but listen, the only and last message I sent was : Why not think about the good thing I did for her, this is another challenge , she insisited that my compensation of love is not a fair thing, because it give her a feeling of I am make up what's been done to her, then she raised her voice and torn all the paper , recall her uncomfortable feeling from day 1, it's been 20 years, I never heard her trun voice. I apprecaite this chance, although this is tough for me, very sharp. but I tried to understand her feeling.
Coffee at the Sony Music Japan neighborhood is a good session, Good friend always back you up, she use her great mind and come up with a simply solution map : 2 family ( me and my parent ) one house consisit of this difficulty, the easiest way is to sell the houre, replaceing with 2 apartment, then the condition will change, as this is an external factor, once we remove it from her heart, she can stand on the same level and tried to think as a person. otherwise, what's been done from me will never sovle her pain, the fundemental solution is sell the house, I am a little bit hesitate to make such a decision, as I thought the house we own is the ultimate goal in life, but now I understand, this is only a process , a house will never be a purpose in life. taking care of people you love in life is such an important mission, you have to be decent in every step. this is nothing but the truth, this is not something like Strategy in life, but an action I am willing to take. I really appreciate to have friend like her, a good friend. nothing less and nothing more.
Itoh 88 seems in fond of my proposal, I will wait and see how to develop the lable, I can sense the success when seeing the young 15 years old Jazz Pianoist. lunch at Flu, what a great Frech restaurant and what a coincedent agian, we though of have lunch over the same restaurant. this is fate, and we really enjoy life. Cet La Vie.
Calling wife from Tokyo airport and deliver the message of selling the house, she accpect my good heart, but insisit not to generate bigger trouble for me. such a nice girl, and her attitude changed dramatically, this is not a stratage, but a truth, a truth to solve her pain.
Arriving Beijing by 10:15 pm, Mark sent his driver to airport to pick me up. call wife again, and I know everything back to normal, since there's no confidence crisis, there's no such a thing like re-build her confidence. Will is Power, I send the messge to think C. she save my life, what a day and what a trip.
Tea and Trust
I shouldn't asked for the tea session after the Body and Soul Jazz session, althought nothing followed, it against the rule of high morale and decent ethic in our prinspal, raining outside in Tokyo, we finished half of the Jazz session and went back to APA Villa.
Calling home for granting my support in rental a suit on weekend for wife and Fruit, however, it cause the biggest question and challenge from her since 3 years ago, she is so suspicious and question me about why closing door at home and spoke something about stood - such a bad intepretation when deliver a comfortable feeling to your partner, and she warning me about the woman and girls surrouned by me, my response become the target for shoot, why she is so sharp and anger toward me, I don't know, why she didn't think about the things I do for her and the support I grand for the past years? why the disturst feelings grow so huge and occupied the whole heart ? I don't have a clue and don't have an answer, it seems like she is planing on her life for quiet a long way, do her nose, sending Fruit to school and keep Sound at Forest alternative eduation, every steps she took lays a strong footfrint of doing some preparation, I hate such a feeling. our conversation over the phone took more than 30 minutes, when asked what to say to C. she turn mad, so mad and challenge me how come my impresssion after the long and serious discussion is to reveal what we said to C. The Virgo's instinct and woman's suspicious will kill the ralationship between.
althoguht she warn me if M. leave C. my company will no longer existed, and warning me if I take this attitude of taking care of customer a way of taking care of artist, then I will be through, she said something about love and beauty, and insist that working relationship turn to a friendship or turst feeling will screw eveything, and warning me all the artistic personality and charisma I spread will drive those talent girls belive in me. then everything will be thourgh, this is the first time I can sense her rationale - so clear and so turth, but why at this moment of time ? why? I almost cancel my trip to Beijing, but I won't do so, ' EVERYTHING MUST PERFORM AS NORMAL AS POSSILBE "and I am an indivisual , I should repsect her feeling , but at the same time, to follow my heart, I know what I am doing. focus on buisness now, as hard as possible and try my best to be the man carry the mission of Lichun. Why ? I don't know why?
Kamakura Such a Nice Paradise
Celine broght me to the secret garden in Toky0 - the back yard of Tokyo, Kamakura, on our way, we fine ture the LiChun and I came out with a LiChun - For Good Life slogan, compare with what LG did - Life is Good, we are much better, as we see the good life before, to promote and convince the good life is our mission.
Taking JR train to Kamakura took us less than an hour, I love the little shops and the scenes we visited. and the 3 decades of Lichum commitment is relevent - first 10 years we brew and insist on what we belive, second 10 years we identify the content of Lichun, third 10 years, we let people figure out what we are. the 3 decade of cooking will make the company a solid and strong entitly.
3 temple with different style, lunch at a 105 years old restaurant , having eel rice , the furniture and atmosphere is so perfect, I can't help to dream about the place as paradise. buying beautiful paper and little souvierner, what a wonderful day, after the lunch, we went to the 3rd temple, I love the Kwang Yi Budda in the temple, this is by far the oldest wooden budda stature in Japan, it's so calm and so peaceful, the garden full with varies plante, some cherry bloomson and I can sense in late March, how it will attract tourist. I was convinced to be the writer after Shu Ko Chin and to write the " Stranger of Kamakura ", l love the way Celine lead my body and soul to her secret garden, and I really enjoy the way we communicate, by working, by outing, by exchanging idea and to follow a " seeing is beliving " training for us.
Last stop is the harbor and island in the south part of Kamakura, it should packed in summer, it's cold in winter and we sit for an Italian coffee. returning by JR and stop as the desert shop which I wish to come last time, having cake and go over the MET project with her, she knows how to conduct sales and have a belive in " No niche " market trend, I agree with a Mega, Convenience and Specilize store tpye in Taiwan, but it's hard to carry the message of selling music by such a simply solution, we should think more about how Starbucks begin to sell music, how premium became trending and how to sell live style out of music.
Wife is so upset, why her family didn't support her way to live her life ? I support her and brows the Tsui Mama rental for her, there should be someone stand by her, no matter her instinct decision is right or wrong, there always time for adjustment, not now.
On the Way to Tokyo
Taking the first business trip to Tokyo with C. a partner and friend; it seems like we have a never ending story, or to some extend, a 1001 night fairy, we can share almost everything in life, even in a very private manner.
Ma - her husband see him off at the airport, with the previliage of a jourlist, he can access to the airport with a pass, before the gate, he hug and kiss his wife - somewhat I feel a little bit rigid, so the topic of her married life become a topic accompany to our first day of trip; on the airplane, we miss the chace of watching in-flight entertainment - movie, but to talk anything and share her married life, the answer is C. walked out of the box of marriage, and her soul and body grows so huge that make her hard to trun back and fit the box of marriage. this is a very painful development, as her husband didn't know " What went wrong ", a potential devoice without any tangebile reason is hard for him, for a man who live in a normal life to explain it to his circle of friend and relatives; I respect C.'s value in dealing with anything in a Human point of view, so every thing - even in an emotional topic should eqip with a exit system, a way to get out of the cage which make an indivisual feel uncomfortable. we talked and talked and checking in the APA by 9:20 pm, an hour earlier than my expectation. taking the Narita Express to Tokyo station and change the Metro Red line to Akasaka station, she remembered where we live before pointed out the Hotel we stayed last summer when consulting for the Ilha Formosa Music Festival, no wonder last night when stayed in APA Villa, I can sense the similariyt of Starbucks and the printing service, but can't link it with my memories. so we are staying at the Hotle she dream of before - especially when seeing the cafe' on the first floor.
Having Laman for the dinner and continue the same topic of marriage at one of the unique coffee house at nearby block, a very good place for great coffee - an expensive one but a quality place to share a lot of thing. wife called in the middle of the conversation and asked my permitsion to rent an apartment for the weekend , this is for the sake of Fruit, our daugher who we put her at her grandmother's house for the weekend, but it seems there's no good sign of changing her behavior, so, my wife decided to take back her responsibilty as a mother and learn how to love a girl like Fruit, I have no idea whether this is a good approach or not, but as she insited, I will not stop her immediately. I do hope the change of space can bring some flesh air to our family.
First night at Tokyo, takling only Chinese, I didn't feel like I am in Tokyo now. We've been talking too much on the road.
Notes from C.
Sunday morning at 8:30 am, turn on my PC at top study room, the mixed feeling cover still, access to my mail box, the only mail if from Her, the notes she wrote for the last 2 days. I read it through; didnn't thinks so much, I reply with my notes - one from Clie and one from the blog; I am not sure if her notes is to reinforce the tightern relationship, but I am in the position of sharing the true feeling. open heart and open arm. this is what I will do, making the leagl entitly last longer than human life.
Appointment with Chris Rohde on time, brought Sound with me. his first experience with a foreign friend. we say hellp in the hallway of Howard Plaza and run into Chris's son Kristoffer, Young and hunsand Dannish; on the plan, we move to 101, you know, if this is not because of his insistance - no matter weather and crowd, I don't think I will spend 350 NT just for taking the fastest elevator to the top of the building. but this is quite an experience, a real birdeye view to the city we live, differenent from watching it on the airplane; the box of apartment and lego alike taxi; walk up the 91 floor, the gate asked for additional charge of 100 NT each adult, this is kind of ridiculour, but, it's good. the outdoor wiew is to experience the turbo of wind and the sound is created when hitting the iron shade. a new sound created by nature and human. we stayed for about 1 hour before going to the Funan restaurant 1010 ( The perfect score ), I am a little bit mad when learn that our reservation been cancelled due to late for 10 minutes. this is not a good customer service.
Sharing the Hearing Aid product, market and it's potential growth ( see how many young people wearing MP3 all day ), and how it can relate to CSR - for hearing impare, elder, disable, as they don't have a distributor in Asia, it gave my new thinking, and we can bring James to the loop, a friend we respect so much.
Continue Sound and his Dad's date after all the business session, that's 3 pm, take him to his dream castle - the youth activity center - Y17, although we promise to stay unitl 10 pm, but his mother advise us not to stay too long, he finished 2 cartoon book, we done the delicious dumpling at Lungnmen Kertsen.
Packing for the coming week trip, Alasha is 5 degree lower than Beijing, check the weather forecast , Beijing is minus 3 -5 c. this is something I never experience before.
Fly to Tokyo this afternoon....a lot to think, share and pray.