
If you ever

If you ever feel like ? Yang send me the message this morning, she will go through her third ( by far this is what I know, maybe it's more than I ever know ) tumor surgery on Sep. 7, I pray for her, she told me by message text that my " Blessing, Encourge and Wishing " blow up the ballon of hope, I turly hope that I pray and what we inject can do good to her.

Experiencing the anger or bad temper of S. yesterday evening, when participate on FAT / Ezfly markeing campaign meeting and regular managment session, I almost terrified by his temper; well, to be honest, I am not his employee, but the frozen air force me not even look at his face.. a person I never see before, I am lucky not to promise his, join the EZfly, otherwise, he may make one more mistake -- yell at a friend in Forum and don't know how to end or repair the friendship. He was furstrated by can't really communicate with the management team in the confernce room, his reaction is radical -- ever come up with 4 letter word - well, forget me, it's defenitely not " LOVE "; He threaten to shut down the company, closing one dept. first and then lay off top managment in the company, as he said so, I mean it, as a conconsultant at this meeting, my feeling is mix and complicate. should I ease his fire, or stand on his side ? or walk away and treat it like their " Domestic Affairs ? " when S. took a bio-break, the meeting left only GM and EVP, I asked if this is the worst situation they encounted? the answer is no, but GM told me S. always deliver the message of " Shut down the business ", the message may travelling around the office, even indsutry, how can they recruit talent if they know they will be trapped in a vicious cycle?

At least, What I help J. to organise and present the 10 anniversly campaign win som applause.

Heading for IIha Formosa meeting after FAT. I arrived by 9:10 pm and say nothing, I don't want to lead and provide different opinion as I am not going to dive my head to this project, they have their own believe and should keep the faith. I am only an outsiderer and a fan of what they are doing.

Lunch with 3 key lady managers of our company. I invited them to New Hama, sharing and send my apprecaition to them. acturally, the current outcome for re-budget prepartion isn't great. I am really worried about the reaction from Tokyo.

T. - another Japan expetraite send me strong message about the Dear or Alive situation for EC Mall, our engireering team can't take over the project from the disqualified vendor, and we are too naive to draft our plan, the pre-R and D session wasn't decent prepared. we are in deep trouble to bring the business alive. how can I recruite 50 qualified engireer to work with us and how can I tell HQ the resouce - money I need to make it happen, if the business plan wasn't correct, what can we explained?


I shall never do it again

Promise Dar. to act as the moderator at one of the O4 Forum. a Sino-Korean cross-industry ( or Telecom / Content / Mobile convergence ) exchange forum; he either inititate or bid for the budget to do it, I don't know, but as an overseas Korean living in Taiwan for more than 30 years, he can easily penatrate to this now happening area -- The Korea Mania; as one of the pioneer developing independent music and spirit in Taiwan, his credit in Music industry up and down like riding roller coster. It's too early to jump to conclusion, but I only criticize on this event - a semi-govenmental forum screw up by his poor administration.

I agree to help as Moderator, not the MC of the forum. he didn't sent me agenda until I asked my secretary to push, 2 days before the fourm, I review the agenda and found he ( or the organization entity ) place me in one of the speech penal -- which I never agree and don't have time to prepare. I called and send my uncomfortable message, so, they omit it from " My " agande, other speech presentor knows nothing about it.

No reception, no show, no greeting , no opening, no nothing, even no registration and penalist allowance. what a bad bad administration. I walked out the venue after done my part - the moderator and I will never, never help him, as it will hurt my credit, more and more.


The messey budget

M. doing re-buget for a week, the turn out is even worst than the first submition, she was buried by the numbers and a kind of dysfunctional to me. I am ( probabely I am not the only one ) afraid that she may break down, so tried not to push for any new numbers -- but how can I stop question the figures if it is incorrect, and if it doesn't fit the logic and if it doesn't reflect our efforts and rationale? HR head T. aware of such a situration and fully capture my concerns, there's no back up in double checking the numbers, in a company with 330 staff , this is fragile and it may lead the company to a disaster.

Business unit generate the figures - re-budget in conservative approach, to cut is what they thought instead of to increas, the ambience they probe will somehow suffer the people in this office. if the head of division don't bear the mind of " Whatever it takes, with all your heart " then the turn out won't be great. I make a metaphor to HR, explained to her , it sound like parent give birth to a new child, he is only an infant, probably only one or two month young, then his parent thought he is too ugly and want to abondon the child; does the parent understand the kid have the blood of their own and DNA as well ? and if you don't love your child ( Product ) caring about them, what will others do ?

The passive approach and low presure in the office reflect to a bad enviroment. Managers who don't have faith in them result to my question to myself ? I doubt about my talent and capability in handle this company, then the incapability power grows, then we don't have any confidence facing the problem now. this is a vicious cycle and someone should stop it.

HR head advise me that I should stay in the office , spend more time with my liutenant, they need my advise and insturtion all the time. I don't know, seeking advise by my wife, she said this is ridicious. director should know how to handle things and they have many way to reach me. not necessary to be there physically , like a Budda. well, I really don't know. HR inform me her observation for the past 5 months and advise me to consider replace one division head if the thing didn't turn around. another tough decison to make and to think.

Lunch with Andy in his new child - Hi, Sushi bar restaurant. selling Holiding KTV - the lisitng company to another comgeromrary, slient for a year and decide to run this soon-to-be chain business, he is good in strategic thinking, to build a high class susha bar with a lower techonical bar, the customer can't really tell the difference between " The Best " and " The better ", then the chain development in management and operation can be easier, this is a new idea to me, to set a standard it can repelicate and others' can imitate is what I want, but a chain store in food need to keep the similar quality, his approach may be more realistic. if in service industry, the leading eage must be what we can re-production and others can't - such as music service business. he teach me something about the capital maket in Taiwan and what should I do if there's an entertainment fund exisitng. taking with me wife about this, the question is : What are we going to do? and what's the underline to blow it up ? Jason called finally, I am open to his intention and will not push him to count me in, everything should go with the flow.

Chris and I had a great breakfast as usual. ' To Drink with Me " is it good enough to become classical musical ? I am not sure. this need further investigation and analyse...

Last last night with S. and F. at Kuo's restaurant - a very cool place. I love it. I make myself clear about my position in Iha Formosa Music Festival, She is a person in extream, only the 10 percent black or white, nothing in between, I told my wife she is a fan -- even stronger, a beliver in Socialism, the primary goal for it is FAIRNESS; it is mutually exclusive with Capitalism, that's FREEDOM. I am glad to see in the tubulent world of Taiwan, we see Utopia and people believe in their dreams. I respect them.


Losing Focus

I guess I am losing focus on business operation today, as I miss one thing and forget another; didn't pay decent effort or concentrate on my sharp point. this absent minded situation wasn't a good sign to me. I MUST concentrate and be focus on what I am doing.

Think is over and think it hard : Doing the Right thing Right at the First Time. if I can't deliver the quality, then I am losing my capability to lead this company - or drive my own destiny.

Filpping on the mangers' meeting, as I request to review the re-budget by 10:30 am, all the mangers reported speeding, this is not a quality performance, we rush to catch the next time line and forget to keep the result in good condition. the worst thing is , we finished the first meeting one time, but we fail to begin the second meeting on time, when I walked in the room for re-budget, the figures doesn't support our rationale, aggrestive and conservative version shows the same NIBT, there must be something wrong with the number caculation, this is a Big Bug, I am really furstrated about the bad quality they present to me. how can I deliver a good presentation on time and what should be prepare before hand. when thinking about the Planner. it cause me hestiate again, I wondering how many slide I must re-do by myself.

Yang send me message and told me her reaction toward the Raidation Theraphy, the reaction it strong, I feel sad about her and sending her word of courage, this is by far I can do and I don't know what other best method I can bring to her.

The fighting between direcotor may erupt any time, when I told them to mingue to one team, build the project base with direct report line, moving office to sit together, I know this is a hard task, but if I don't do it, then the company will never get second chance to survive this serious situation. I am laughting, loud , so loud, in the month of Ghost, anything can happen.

Wife get a car accident, she called me by noon and release her uncomfortable, I sent her my sorrow and call her call to follow her feeling nust now, it OK, no body's injured and no one's hurt, a compensation maybe. treat it positviely and be good to yourself.

Do the right thing right at the first time. can't escape from my role and my job and my everything. how people see me make me today. don't disappoint anyone, especially , yourself.


Quata Visiting

Attending YPO event on last Friday, it was an educational trip to Quata, the biggest PC maker in the world - 25% plus of the PC were made by them. an OEM / ODM firm located in Linko. I didn't expect too much about the company, but Barry did a very good presentation to us when greeting all the member to his premise.

A few learnings from this trip : there's laways a window from an burst of idea to the finish product. they take 4 stages to segement this window, such as product in 18 months or even shorter. All the Quata-man is trained to be good in 3 major area : Techonology , Humanity and Physical in good condition. we pay a visit to 2 major interesed of the operation, one is the high-tech condensed TFT-LCD manufacture, a 2 billions US toy of his own. and to realize the 3 steps of making the TFT-LCD -- ? ( See, how easy people forget things. it happend only 2 days before ) , Cell and Module; the other operation of interest is the musume of his own - where he collect the best art work from Chang Da Chen. I can tell, not all the members are interested in the ancient art and antiques. however, we are previliage to be there and I did take this opportunity to use my Clie's rare function - taking low-solution picture with no flash light. I don't know how they will turn out. but a very good chance to leave memory of my own.

Sharing a few thing with James, a new member who is also professional mangers. working for one of the senior TPO member. and take a quick moment to share with C's wife about how a couple working together - any conflict and any fun part. it seems both husband and wife running the same company wasn't a pleasnat experience. well, I am getting into this now.

Night dinne with C. and met Pony -her husband. we only encoutered for less than 5 minutes, I insist to know him by my obesrvation. finally we met and I am arragning a family dinner , this is a very important ritual before me and C. start the business of our own.

Forum on Thursday is a neve ending one. we been away for too long, and we tried to follow the forum protacol and other machinesm , this is good, it pave the way to another long version of Forum - the retreat. we have book Royal Chioche for the retreat, I am working it with Jamie ( never the less, I am working independently )

Fruit went hysterias agian today, we almost give her up, until last minutes, I regain my love to her, and as a father, I wish her will and knowing how to be fair to her friand and her family. this is the only thing left if nothing remain with a person.

Finish the Fareastern Airway marketing proposal in a day, I am willing to help, so I did. so simply, no easy, especially under my current situation - pressure coming down form top and throwing up from the employee. I shall take it easy and have the word with me -- until the last day. Flight with samrt attitude, don't create emily. never use emotion. Never.