My M600
Lost my P 900 in a bar, change it following day with a M600, I love it, the true smart phone which I use and to integrate PDA with phone, now, I only bring it with me, and with the 3G communication, access to internet and receiving mail is much more faster. I am tring to buit the blog via the phone as well, then I can ulilize every trivial minutes into a productivity of work.Anothe great lession from H. Han druing the lunch yesterday, I should record and written every great word from him and to publish it one day, yesterday, he advise me
1. Lao Ze - the philophor 3000 years ago said he keep 3 treature with him : first -- Mercy, second -- Save, and third -- don't take the credit.
2. The 2 best or probabely worst habit : first -- helping other to success, second-- only see the good part of the persons. and then he tole me 2 story : Biyu electronic and how he earn his first 300 millions and return the favor in the end; second , the encounter with PAAU Shu and how he move Paul and be one of his best friend.
on top of that. he mention a lot of talent, to raise and to educate talent, then one day you will have a team and talent to work with, moeny will be the least concern.
Miguel send me mail regarding the corresponde between Mike, I appricatate his trust but at the same time hit a rock when seeing Mike's emotional reaction, Doing good will never be wrong might need to adjsut.
Having the first Fon team meeting. great to have them