
Father's home and Peter Chang

Father check out the hospital by 9:30 am yesterday, the night over at the hospital wasn't comfortable, my back pain almost kill me today. we were home around 10 am, wife busy in preparing lunch for father and doing the laundary for the family, this is a traditional housewife's workload and there's no " annual leave " for taking this job.

Shu called by noon and inform me the bad news of Peter Chang, who passed away on Thursday night in Shanghai. I was so shocked, he is one of my mento in the music business and a greate composer at his time, when working at Sony Music, I managed to grant us a honor to record the only Taiwanese composed pop trun orchastration with London Symphony Orchastrat, we spend a good time in London, with conductor Richard Harvey and the classical guitarist John Williams. then we released the first world top 10 orchatrat's Chinese Pop orchastration.

Father survring from the heart problem and Peter pass away cause by the heart attact. this is wife, I am thinking what I can do : a good memorial music farewell, a specical tribute at the Golden Melody Award and when Richard Harvey came for the first concert, a tribute on stage. I don't know.....

this is a very sad day for me. Mrs. Chang is such a nice woman, no emotion at all, support and dedicate to Peter with all her heart. I miss him.


Father, wife and son

After Monday's heart specialist check, we were urge to send my father for a invanted examination and operation if needed on Wed. The rush warning form the specialist kept me worry, seeking second opinion wasn't have window, so I have to call almost all the relationship to be equipped with information I need; AJ who provide the first assistance , David help to check second opinion, and Sidney, the doctor classmate of mine who really help as an insider; Sid arrange me to see another heart specialist the follow morning in order to decided where to take the check-in instruction; brought my father to NTUH on Tuesday, Mr. Tusi gave the same opinion as the Monday doctor, there's no other choice but to send father to operation on Wed.

Wife accompany father to take care what he wish to do before the operation, Wed. I accompany with him to check in NTUH early in the morning, blood test, heart radia reader and some simply pre-operation check were done by 10 in the morning, nothing to be afterward. we talked and wife feel strong pressure from father who asked her to be more open minded to my mother, a burdon my wife won't never want to take. if this is the last word , wife would not take it. I am in between and can do nothing, this is a very frustrating day.

The heart check began on 11:00 am Wed. morning, when waiting outside the operation room, the bench sit with relatives who were waiting for further instrution or information; We saw a religion confrontation in front of us, a Buddalish wisper with Darham were asked to lower her voice, I saw another lady hand with Bible and raised her voice to request, there's no compromise, so, the Christian ( must be ) began to sing her Gospel songs, this is so strange, everyone have his own religiou to pray or the operation patient, who create such a strange fire in the surgenry room.

Father were send out of the operaiton room by 12:15am. no doctor's advise or instrution, I think this is a very good sign, indeed, it is. taking the troll back to his room, begin another 12 hours of " Don't move " cage, we were very lucky to learn that his heart problem was not as serious as doctor's estimation.

Stay with him at the hosptial unitl Thursday morning, I am waiting for checking out, this is my father's second experience in operation, after 30 years.


Development of Father's heart problem

Gaining many opinion from doctors, friends, this moring, my first time bring father to the second internal examination at NTUH, referred by Sidney, we registrated at number 6 and see the doctor by 10:00 am, Dorctor Tsui's comment is the same as Doctor Wu who did the first examination yesterday and urge my father to take a Alterel Bybass surgury tomorrow, I am a little be panic when heard the news yesterday, but when Dr. Tsui throw out the same comment, I knew there's no alternative but to take the operation here at NTUH with the assignment of Dr. Wu.

On our way to the hospital, father mentioned lot of things: I should write it down before forget to follow his last wishes:
-- Cash : total 800,000 NT is for his operation treatment. additional 300,000 debit should be claimed from the person who I don't know.
-- Cash : total 120,000 of RMB is for use in China, to cover expense to bring his bone ash to Hunan province and bury with his parent. rest of the money distribute to his relatives in China.
-- Land : we should keep it for our children, and may turn it to resort when we retire from work, he keep all his personal histroy there.
-- Funual : no adolcent , only 9 peoples - my family and my sisters' family plus my mother.
-- The only concern : Fruit, although she turn to be very nauthy these days and out of normal control, we shold treat her well, as Fruit was the baby he hold until grown up.
-- Mother : keep 2 millions Cash with her now and she will use it for her own health care.
-- China : 2 houses for his grand children in China.

After seeing Dr. Tsui, wife cried out loud , she is the first person in our family show her love to my father without mask, how lucky we are to have her with us.

tomorrow, father will check in the hospital for pre-surgery examination and I should be there too.

It all come together

I am not the only misfortunate person in the world. when sending my SMS to Yung Chin this morning, the response message from her contain with one sad newes, her father-in-law pass away last Sat. when sending her a short than before message this morning, I am not in a good shape to fulfill my responsiblity of writing with all my heart. her reply trigger me to come up with second note, which address the problem occured last week, about my father, my daught and my business situation. I am not in the way to keep her low or down, but to share with her how awful I was last week, and it continue this week.

Calling Du for confirmation about the Wutain exhizibiton, the answer is positive, I double confirmed in the afternoon and feel great about the news. forwards this great news to colleage, finally, we can move the project with positive matter, even I know there are tone of little something in our way until the show completed.

Drafting Efly's documentary project and incorpated with CHTF project proposal. this idea came from the angle of not to let Lu feel we / or I am taking negetive approach in our relationship. in the afternoon, I successfully sale it to Lu and win her trust again, this is an counter feeling, when she asked me to trust her, I know that's the single to asked my trust as well, the mutually understaning in communiction this afternoon were great. I really hope her achievment in CHTF will turn out to be Lichum's credit in a way. I know this is a tough task, but I have to built the relationship and have to belive it can be done.

Yuping called and share the idea of how to promot our company or myself in the community build-up blog, such as post the idea and development of starting up new company, and then it can be some noise of level. but I am not quite sure where it fit all , even it become a hot sale book, it don't reflect to a 100& gurantee success of business.

Jame and Sidney had a good lunch, and James is so careful thinking, when the conversaiton is over, we walked to Sidney's clinic and the couple is quite comfortable with Sidney's professional opinion, the fruit come by late night, James decided to retian Sidney as their family doctor in Taiwan, this is a great business model for Sidney, to collect the best customer in his clinic and to maintain my good friendship with him in the long run, how decent James burst out this great idea, it can tell how he will be so success in his career.

father's problem escalate, calling David for help and AJ for follow up. finally, Sidney - the one my friend trust turn out to be the best solution for us. we went through the jouney of doctor appointment, finally, the ship will throw out its anchor and dock at where my friend recommended. I need to bring him to Hospital myself this time.


Focus make Professionism

The title of this article was coted from Mr. Li-chi-ying. Funder of 2 un-parellel business - Garment and Media , a branded " Giodeno " and the notorious turn trendy " The Next Weekly " and " Apple Diary ", as I am in the first 5 months of starting my own business. it seems for last 2 months, I done nothing but complains, complain about the no media coverage, complain about the cold and crul world of relationship, complained about not room to strech my capability in developing my career, until the day Google executive recruiting firm inform me about the chance of join them, I begin the process of interviewing. then I realized I must face the reality of the true world. on my own and fighting for the unknown future. H.Han's warm advice inspired me a lot, he kept saying " Follow the correct path, even on the road, you make a few mistake, it won't hurt must ", then the KDDI founder's auto-biography push me futhure, his formula of ture life and business : Mindset multiple passion multiple capability keep me thinking for quiet a while, he emphesis on " Mindset or Mentality ", and told me only this attribution have 2 diretion, it can be a postion weight, or negative weight, depending on how you see your life and business: " Doing Good will never be wrong ", I shall clear my mind and bring myself back to where I am 5 months ago. -- Passion and Capicity is what I need to inject. I shall never complain again.

Mr. Chiang wish to return and retire to Toranto this year, and hand over the foundation to a certain person or committe, I spoke with Mr. Han quite honestly, probabely that's the day I be very precise to what I want to know; H. told me he once had an idea to terminate the fundation back to 2 or 3 years ago, at that time, the overall economic situation was bad, He seems faced the delima of support the fundation or not, then he disclose the annual expense he allocate to the fundation, it's between 20 to 30 millions NT. Almost all the spending was from his pocket, not the foundation's fund raising income. and Mr. Chiang is positive about break even by June this year, which is not the case to Mr. Han. He asked me to highly selective on which business to stay and which to go, I asked how long he will keep supporting the fundation until break even, he don't have an answer in mind, but told me termination should not be an option for him, but an alternative solution to the fundation itself, Mr. Chiang is so aggrestive in changing the fundaiton to a CSR center and establishing a Social Enterprise Center for Cliff, who just step dowm from the famous Orbis fundation Taiwan. I should be prudent about every decision I made as no one committe to anything yet. Ben's advise is correct, I shall build the platforma nd trasaction period longer, since I am not 55, should not give up the career in commercial world.

Andrew offer me a no-salary CEO chance to transfer VIMA - an image serch technology company to a good performing entity, for me, this is another way to allocate time with, I may need to be in LA by end of May., Hung-Yi is kind enough to donation half a millions from his fundation for our pet project - Wutian community in Taipei, this is the aboriginal project which I promise to deliver this year, but cause a lot problem from the working level, Celine is not happy with my promise with no money, now I raised half a millins, Fung-Ga agree to put on the exhibition,and the final issue lay on the Lukai tribe, I really really don't understand them,the gap is huge from what Ceine told me, she doesn't like Bao who I am not so anger with, she have problem with Wenhow's father, the key artist to make the show rolling, I need to fix the problem I Created, but to be very frank, I can call it an end, I don't think it will jerpordise Lichum's brand name, as it don't has it yet, for my personal repution? well, this is an educational process, I deserve the lesson and the cost of realtionship.

Join Celine to the Synyi project weekly meeting, she is good, althoug I can see some leak in devleoping the detail plan, but for a company of 4, this is fair enough, I brough up the " promise to deliver , should be on time " issue with her, and she came back with " How to handle customers' torolence " and " Quality is much important then deliver on time ", I don't mind to sit and compensate for any possible loose, but to take care of the only 2 customer is quite essential this year, otherwise, I need to go somewhere finding my own venture, and leave her along deal with second tier of coustomer, and we will falling down to a " PR firm " this is what we hate to become. I need to find time to share it with her. at least, our Tuesday meeting.

Go to the Mission Impossible 3 by myself, I knew this is not going to happen if I asked wife to go with, as father is in critical condistion, she need to take care of the kid and find time to take rest, I have no right to raise it, but I wish to be on the first run, so I go by myself. as predicted, exciting and relief of my tension, then after the light up, forget everythings, its like when the Hunt receive the assignment, the tape will self-destroy in 5 second, this is exactly happen to me once finish watching the movie.

Faciliate on forming a new Forum is a very intersting project, by particapate on new Forum meeting, I learn and grow and response and give, I really enjoy be a teaching and in the enviroment of sharing. this is what make me feel warm and real. how to turn the forum skill to help my business development is another thing to be considered, I need to be focus, really.

Father's health condition enlarge the gap between mother and us, she is so selfish, and the rusult it no one want to spending time with her, how come a person treat her spouse this way? I don't understand, how she expected we to treat her when she encounter with the same health condition? I apprecaite my wife's wisdom and I do swallow lot of her complain. but what can I say, we are born not to choose your family. this is .