
Happy New Year, as my wide guess, I do receive a few SMS from those I know and those I don't familiar with; most of them do send out by themselves, one or two of them, I guest was send out by there PR staff, as the seasons greeting card, you can easily receive the Christmas card from celebrities with they name printed on the card, for me, the card itself mean nothing, the sending even don't know the person they send, not to mention the greeting from their heart; I don't do this, If I really want to greet someone, I will write it down by myself with the word coming form my heart, paper work can only be exercised on administrative part such as mailing, posted, print out the envelope and seal it. if you wish to leave the correct impression, do something yourself, sometimes, the touch coming from the quality you delivered, not how efficiency you can distribute your " model of greeting " to as many people as possible.

I sleep the year over and wake up at 10:30, bringing my family to the " Fresh Fish " restaurant for lunch as our New Year celebration, the restaurant owner is as kind as before, I will visit the shop twice next week, but can't wait to taste the fresh from off-shore island PenHu, CTBY Yogurt is the perfect sweet after a heavy meal, we drove to the shop at Taipei zoo, 4 of us enjoy the desert after


Good-bye to 2003, I send out my new year greeting letter to all employee as usual, I fully understand the response won't be in return writing, this is basic human nature, I am not expecting to any of the correspondence , but if some of them ( even only one ) been influence by the letter, then the mission is served.

add 60,000 plus NT for family insurance today, it's a burden, but it's an evitable human decision, you never know what will happen next and you will never want to be " not prepared yet " and my other saving can off-set the due even my job can't be secure in the coming years, so, I am comfortable about this new arrangement.

Say good bye to 2003, I am planning to do it at the balcony on the top of my house, I never do the count down before, maybe tonight, at home, with family.


Joke of Taiwanese Mr. Lin

1. what's your name?
2. what do you eat ?
3. lay down or drinking water.
4. urine or left over text.
5. cash in bank with mask.
6. take 130 pills after meal.
7. wait outside save 5 dollar.
8. plastic bag or thing to do after.

conversation with one talented manger over lunch today, we discuss how to recognize the shop mangers by providing better bonus, we hold different opinions but with mature attitude, as he try his best to convince me recognition is a very critic issue in sales force and try to make me believe if we recognize in half way, we may end up with even worst result, people who we recognized will not appreciate what we did for them, no matter how we explain; I told him my thoughts below :

1. every opinion have different interpretation, most likely, one favor it, one against it, no so call " Perfect " or " Idea " comments since we are not solving any mathematic problem or developing equation.
2. a decent but mature manager will try to making decision approaching the mix interest for both company and employee, if the decision he or she made won't upset 50% of the people related, then he or she shall go with the decision, and at the same time, convenience the minority the rationale behind the decision.
3. resources limitation theory, always keep you mind at how you play to deploy the company resource.
4. be guardian for your policy, if the rule made with no major wrongful, don't change it by minor request raised, if we need to adjust the rule to fit what we plan to do, carefully examine the impact, probably what we plan to do will suffer more then we expected.

My open attitude show him my though of handling this issue, he is smart with insist, my response is fair and think as an qualified CEO, nobody is wrong and we are not debating on it, but check each other with different view and position.

Anita Mui pass away this morning, another falling star, a good entertainer and artist.


Last Saturday night, I took my daughter -- Fruit to a performance -- " ART " at the National Theater , this is the first time she attend the national theater and watch a performance, I look around the venue, it seems she is the youngest among all the audience; before entering the venue, I am a little bit worry if she can't really understand what's going on stage, but since she is into Chinese Traditional 2 man talk show very much, I think she may accept this kind of performance, I secure best seats by my colleague, this show is a localized performance base on one popular show in the States. " Art " deals with the friendship between 3 mid-age man, story began with a modern art -- a contemporary painting which only had one color -- white, then 2 friend holding different opinion against each other in value the modern art, then the story developed to how these 2 old friend value their friendship for the last 2 decade, the 3rd one is a Mr. nice, both of the 2 " eye to eye " friend try to convince the nice guy join their alliance, after all, all of them broken up, finally, by destroy the trouble maker -- the modern art, three of them back to old days; the story is simply, what I like the most is " white painting " -- white painting can be altered by adding any other color or picture then turn to another picture, but to cover it with heavier white, it became white again, or wash away colors, it remain unchanged; the 3 actors are soul to the show, I think a lot of audience was attracted by these 3 actors instead of the drama itself, 2 of theme have been gone from the stage for a while, Fruit can stand sitting for 2 more hours in the theater, only when people laugh and she didn't understand why, she will asked me why, the rest of time, I see her enjoy the show very much; before and after the show, we walk around the CKS Memorial Hall -- the biggest park in Taipei city, there's an exhibition going at the hall way to the memorial palace called " looking earth from the sky ", an French photographer shooting hundreds of pictures above from the sky around the world, when seeing them above, the thing are really different, a good exhibition and we learn something from it.

Sunday, we send our 2 kids to orphan house with my wife's family, they visit the orphan house once a year, Me and my wife wish to give our kid a new experience, to see what other kid living and how to help people in humble places, I don't know if my purpose been served, but, Fruit was not planning to go, after the show on Sat. she agree to go with his brother -- Sound, the trouble maker who fight with his relative at the orphanage house, we deliver a good lesson to him when he go home, I know physically penalty will not change his mind but only generate hate, but under such a circumstance, beat him is the alternative to leave some memory, my and me wife did punish him and make him understand fighting will never be the method to solve any problem.

On Sunday morning, when seeing our 2 kids off, we went for a German movie " Good-by Lenin " at the art theaters in She-meng-ting, an interesting movie, Europe movie make you think more when seeing and after seeing, American film provide instant entertainment but easy to forget, this is the difference of culture and value, I enjoy both, but EUROPE movie will feed you more -- mentally and spiritually.