Weekly Review
when diary turn weekly review, you may see the change in me. maybe busy is the only way to keep displine. last week is a hell week. to turn back the clock, I trigger aj in regard to the FON development together, it finally pay-off on Sunday. however, aj choice to disclose this hidden treasure with some telecom giant and express his excitement about taking over the position of CHT - The head of CHT is a good friend of us. the 3rd road we are going to clime is a very blur situation. if you want to be success, you have to :1. find the way to include CHT, in a true or false pulse.
2. be the distructive operator, but don't event think of alliance with the second or third telecom operator in town.
because in the end. all the operator will be suffering from this initative. so, why not being the " Digital Robinhood ", to quote what Celine intepretate. this is a truth.
sharing with C. yesterday at lunch, actually, not shaing, but to listen to her voice , we've been team up for 6 months. this first time corporation must go through lots of difficuliy, she share with me a few points which are very value to me:
1. choose Google is this is a final decision granted, because every MAN hungry for CAREER.
2. if we focus on what we are doing, then I should be realize the current model is " corporate strategic philanthropy ", and I should come up with new models, product and reach / approach new customer.
3. don't access business to YPO too much, as business depending on transaction, if there are strong perosnal ties, then if we lose the business, or the clinet don't satisfy with our service, then it will derpodise my friendship.
4. business is business, I should be responsible for the account direcotor's role and think hard, otherwise, it won't create any sense of ownership, ultimately, the " Entreprenurship " will end and I will find it no fun to start new company.
I value those points and share with her : since there are options, so, my heart is floating, in this case, I need to find a better solution to our future, for Lichun, for the partnership and for my family as well.
Wife keep release her unpleasant feeling toward my mother, it's been month, since father need her sepcial caring after the heart problem, her emotional level rose so hight, every time we see each other, the topic will be circled with how bad the feeling with my mother and she will never serve people like her , I am so tired with this conversation, but what can I do?
Attending P. Chang's memorial Messa on Saturday evening. a few old friend in the music industry show up. Mrs. Change asked another favor from me, I told her to be concentrate on the special day and promise to see her and listen to her problem this week. it seems there are lots of unslove issue ahead of me. after this, I swich channle to a happy mood for the YPO kick out party, I was asked to be the master of the ceremony at the party. partain to the theme " Kung Fu ", I was dresssed up as Huang - Fei - Huwang. and joke aournd for 2 hours, I knew I was quite appropraite at the party, but I know to change mood so swift wan't easy.
Bring father to a North Coast Beach highway trip on Sunday and having seafood at one of the famous old restaurant, he told us he didn't retunt to Aodi for about 55 years, without a car and company, he won't think he will return to visit again. the heart problem bring him back to the circle of us - me / mywife and his 2 grandsons. man should experience while he's still alive, I will try to have him taste the life before it's too late.
Being invited to the conslutaion committe for the PTS group. the first meeting took place yesterday, mangement team treat it as a routine, so, some of the commiment team members wasn't happy. thsi is a very fun encourting. last statement was made by me, what I say is : To run a NGO, the cost of communication is high and it have to be swallow, as the performace measurement is so vague. all you can do is communicate, endlessly ", one the way back home with Lulu, share a few idea with her in the taxi, nice talking and I think I should form a " Reading Socity " for it.
Mistaking FON press conference, it give us room for a great lunch together, this is lichun lunch.