
Mini Event, Huge Impact

Meet my Socarlies is the take home value after preview the movie " Peaceful Worrier ", Bobby brougt me a great inspiration just in time for healing my depressing these days, motivation movie adapt from Ture story is a compelling power, I can't resist the imprint to me. such as " Knowing what you think, or Thinking more than you know " " Don't overcome your dreams " " There's no start or end, only doing " " Things happen in very moment", I believed that Sharing of life story is The most powerful tools to ignite / trigger the DNA for changing, thanks for the moment of truth Danny's story bring to my eyes, I don't have any excuse to escape, to run away, to ignore, to neglect, to let go the challenge in life, this is the beauty of life " experience the journey, not the destination " because you probably will end up finding a stone only, enjoy the journey from the action. now you will be the worrier of your own. Hope that I can find the lines from the movie, there are so many great liness I really wish to digest. Da-Cheng theater is not a great place for seeing movie, the sofa is not comforable, but anyway, this is a free preview and I am inspired and touched.

Morning session of Meet the Master - Voncton Cerf is an disappointed one, Paul - the head of ICCAN is too defensive, my question for finding a better way to handle Digital Divide had nothing to do with political reason, not offensive and expecting a warm and caring response only, how can it turn to be a policy defence, this is not like masters, who travelling all over the world to educate us how great to embrace Internet, I am disappointed by this reaction, I am not sure how many audience in the forum share my feelings.

Since Doing is the keyword to everythings, I should get rid of the habbit about " Start something " or making a plan ahead, but to do / focus / concentrate and be ready for frustration, see how you perceive the hurdles.

Saying nice word to Kim and think how to include her as our key partner, no history relay, a bit hard for me before, but as we are going to create our futher, there's no point not to build the itimacy. this is what I should learn.

11 hours will release next Friday, we should all be there, to take a small step, prepare personal chopsticks is a must. changing from action, no more talking. really.

Good morning to Godfather Vinton Cerf


not a issue

This is not an issue about too busy or irregulation, but a displine problem, I hav't touch my site for many days. this is not a make up article, but to summarize what's been happened.

Regain the trust from Mr Chiang, by Mr. Han's advise, I did a report to him about the status and situation in our company and myself, to share with him the CHT CSR development and my intention to leave PMC and re-focus on the CSR field.

Morning with Diana in building 101, this is the first time I visit her office at 60th floor, the guest room deco like a mix east and west, and have a great view when looking outside the window, I brought Kim with me to increase the impression about our company and the making up of the unpleasant dinner on Tuesday night. to roll back the camera, Tuseday night gathering is my idea, to have Non Zero, the excellent restaurant is my idea also, Celine walked in and shock by the 1500 set menu and asked to leave, the querrel occured without me - I was trapped in the private meeting engaging with Mr. Hochen, right after the 3rd CSR committme meeting in CHT building. the purpose for bringing all crew to Non Zero is for one reason, let's not using Himalaya Foundation's gourges convention room as the dining room. but at Tuesday night, without Kim's attenance -- she was with us for about 20 minutes without eating anything, she is angry, angry about the unpleasant mood break up by Celine.

after my lunch with Mr. Han today- I learned that my percepting about Giant Energy Fund was not a realistic things happen to me when Mr. Han advise me to learn from VC, I should not in the positon to be paid, otherwise , They will expect other thing from us. now I get the picture, Mr, Han is asking favor from they to teach me what VC works and how they process in every steps. but he is not making up his mind to invest. so, this is totally a different story, I am naive still, Yes, I remember when climbing the mountain -- with my wife's force and compaion, I sang the song " Just the way you are " when going home.

Accoompany Kevin Lin to see Professor Lee - Now Executive for EMBA in NTU, Kevin - the celebrity in Sports - Super Maronthon asked me the favor for this, well, I am happy to, a lot of people recognise him and after the session, photo taking is ineviatable.. Kevin is working on a TV seriese with National Geographic for advanture trip, maybe another spot to work together.

Steven had a coffee with me, the Digi Ideas company fund raising is not successed, he asked if I can find new investor for them, this is beyond my expecation, however, to share my know how is not a problem as he is the friend of Rusty Wu. but my tenure with PMC will be terminated soon, how to make my consulation a valuable approach?

PMC disaster continue, Alice will leave, is a very unhappy mood. Soh is a man with no shoulder, how come he can't make i ambicable ? I don't know why, but the more he disclose his personality, the more I sense of leaving. now, I have to make my decision -- acturally, I made it already, and this is the first time when I said I will leave, I had a delime of stay or go, but my wife insist me to leave.

New Forum Training is quite an experience, thanks for Steven's contribution and a lot of participants' shareing, it make a great learning for me. Bobby, Richard, Ray, Steven, Phillip, Vincent, they are all born with sliver spoon, a intereting combination as well.

Begin my little exercise this week, climing twice, lazy twice, wife is work so hard for me to take up this assignment, I should do it without her, this is my body, I should find a way to improve it,

End of the story today.


Miss Yang

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