Ho Mei Yueh Lecture
last Saturday of the second week in NDC, Minister of Economic Devleopment deliver her speech today:
1. comparison of the World about TW, square meter is 0.025 in the world, population is 0.4 , 2006 GDP is 0.7, ecomonical scale is 22 , PPP ( Pocument power : 2006 30,000 US, relatively with Franch )
2. Indurstry emptiness ? export surpass import year : 1971, 2001 - 2006 increase 100 billions US export,
3. Gap for Rich and Poor : top 20% compare with lower 20% : 6.02 ( Singapore 20, HK 18 )
4. Industry Transform : Manufacture -- Service
Another China diary in Chinese
北京070407】昨夜就寢已兩點半.7點起床為J.Chang的星巴克早餐.今天清楚了所謂辦公室合用的美意是合作或合夥的序曲.短期間可能不太需要.跑錯下個約會地.把國際酒店錯當國際俱樂部酒店(St. Regis),和楊平碰頭為引燃阿拉善平台火花.似乎有那麼點端倪.且看7.28大會他怎麼提,理事會如何配合演出.看多年不見的石村,在SOHO村黃色大樓20樓.過去十年,他一直在Start Up and Down, 不停孵蛋,也棄蛋.十年前的一萬美元將風箏線纏住,一切盡在不言中.他這次將CU-Space改為彩屏視訊.強調技術,強調2.0..那句話是印象深刻的﹕「衝浪手..等著騎上最大浪頭」南京.美國.台北.紐約.南京.上海.北京.這遭遭破浪御風..得多少?失多少?和樹新在麗都見-典雅老飯店,在星巴客圓桌上,我實問,她實答.嚇到我的是對自己認識之深和對社會觀察之入微.獨善其身.讀萬卷書,行萬里路是她接下來幾年志向, 意識到下一個陳勝.吳廣的可能發生讓我錯愕..路上一個個沒有靈魂的人在同一時空下交錯.這是歷史上沒見過的中國,克剛昨天提到匡日本一億美金的「戰爭賠款」.樹新說中國僅有王道.官道.沒有商道.沒文化/宗教/道德的資本主義發展是可怕的. 她分析我想做的.慈善..由捐贈人發起.公益...由發起人募資..公益商業..以商業模式進行公益(難但有趣)忠固﹕台灣經驗未必有用(要放空),歐西經驗未必可行(要修正),要住下當本地人(過他們所過,想他們所想),要結交當地朋友(家寰是榜樣)港龍誤點四十分.擠上國航.看Learning Journey..那句話好﹕「別期待成為完美之人」該送自己,也送馬英九.這批中國菁英領袖喜歡馬英九,因他保釣.反共.不忘六四..是中國政權的壓力和民主標竿..華人世界得出現一個成功成熟的民主法治國家.回家了!回故鄉..祖先流浪的終點..那靈魂飄泊的落腳處呢?
Yunan Red
Staying 2 days in Mi-ler, the wineray of Yunan Red, witness the now aday elite in China and the entreprenureship of a man. Wu-Ker-Kang.
I saw him the first time at the Alasan Desert, a very reheronic and debative person, of course, with his profound credit and experience, he can be louder than anyone at any occation.
Su-sing gave me insight about how to survive in China at a TAIWANESE, and a very honest opinion about the social unrest in China, the intellegents in China is expecting another revolution to come, a quite storm or not, no body knows, but the walking body without soul defenitely lead to such a situation.
following are my travelling diary in Chinese:
雲南紅酒莊070207】中午於世紀金源酒店用了豐盛午餐後.搭上武克剛安排的奔馳驅車前往雲南紅酒莊, 車行約兩小時,酒莊座落在紅河州彌勒縣東風村.海拔1600公尺左右的葡萄園原是知青上山下鄉所開發出的農村.十年前,武克剛投資創業, 開發了北半球最高葡萄園,也是全球最早收成葡萄.我們一行託家寰之福,被安排住小院-四合院宅弟的歇息地.這趟雲南行,相機出問題,無法用影像紀錄所見.在由葡萄藤曼所搭的庭院中飲酒莊自行開發的普洱茶,嚐三種不同風味的葡萄,天南地北聊所見所聞,是樂事一件.五點,搭電瓶車參觀酒莊.武克剛解說了採榨汁.發酵.分類裝瓶的過程.雲南紅年產酒一萬五千噸,百分之二十為橡木筒裝高級酒.百分之八十分一般量產酒.看了他許多標籤化的承諾( 石雕牆.酒神.承諾.目標)後,我們進文化館品酒-有水晶于邑.葡萄蜜.法國號及高原魂.水晶真香.晚餐在酒莊一邊看風俗節目(歌舞隊也是隸屬酒莊)..武戲稱﹕「翻身要看毛澤東,致富全靠武克剛」是雲南農民送的扁額.晚餐遇上黨幹部會議.的確有許多人上台公開頌揚武克剛.葡萄農收入由月300而3000.他思考如何在葡萄收成後半牟的整地期來創迨更高農民收益.養生態雞是方向.家寰帶育種姜博士來有此目的(惠安台灣人.第一次到中國,認識陳淵國)晚餐後在小院葡萄藤蔭下繼續天南地北.談政治.談六四天安門.談四五知青下鄉的苦.談台獨陳水扁.李敖和南懷瑾.小華分享的驢挑水和幸福的故事感人.武克剛的鬧事妄為精彩.一場點如其來的傾盆大雨結束了我們的溝通.武臉上露出絲絲憂心--葡萄明天採收.這場酒來的不好.他繪了個雯南俗諺﹕「雲南四季如春,一陽成夏,一雨成冬」曉林在安全部.小華在政治局.應華有通訊信息能耐...全是現世英雄. 十一點半就寢.沒空調卻也睡得沈.昆明的暈眩該不會是高山症吧?
I dream about Kunming for many years, didn't think hard ( the book I read on the plane -- Learning Journey cause me think hard, a very inspiring book ), but a fantasy of rare-seen tribes and warm hospitality, today, I make it to Kunming, a combine business and lesuire trip.
Taking the 9:00 am flight out to HK, transfer to Dragonair number 760 departed by 12:00 noon from HK, our plane landed 10 minutes earlier than schedule - the exact flight time is one hours and fifty minutes, I falling asleep on both journey, the nap contribute to my lack of sleeping these days - it recall me of Mr. Chun who told me he can't sleep in Taiwan when his daughter pass away, he must travelling, to other places for making up the sleep. I am not the case, but to have some sleep on the plane is luxury to me.
Reading the mentors learning jounery is a great finding, such as " When teach, what do the audience learn? " The to learn and to do blance "" The best way to learn is to teach " and the story of " Toll station dancer ", " Don't quote, be you, think out of yourself, not someone else "the sharing of these coaching guru hit me hard, like thunders , I really grow from the experience they share.
Mark and Wu - the owner of the wineary -- the purpose of my visit , they are busy in meeting for Alasan at Beijing, I arrived early, a free day for myself, Miss Che - secretary to Mr. Wu greeting me at the airport and drove me to the hotle - Empark Grand Hotel, this is a brand new hotel, in the middle of old Kunming and new Kunming, a newly developed area, check in by 3 pm, I use the Spa facility and learn the local culture, heading for the old town around 5 oclock, cause I am hungry, the concigire show the taxi driver where I am heading - the legenary landmark of Kunming -- Golden Horse and Jade Chicken, I spoke to the taxi driver and find out that this Kunming old town exist for 1000 more years, consisit with 5 millions people, a travelling city so to speak, the Stone Forest, Lake Dien and GHJC, are famous tourist spot in town.
I tried my first Yunnan cusine at a well-decorate restaurant, it reflect to the old Chinese Garden, order 4 dishes, a flied pork, fried toufu with spicy source, vegetable bowl and rice noodle, it's a little bit spicy but delicious, the meal cost me 43 RMB only ( 200 NT ),then I stroke around the GHJC square, a non-licenced street performance singing Karaoka with crowd circles, there are 2 man singing, one is a handicap - with one hand and one leg only, it recall me to A-Gi, who do the same in Taiwan, 2 senior citizen at their 60's flying kite, so high, it must be there habit for years. then I discovered a bullavad, this probablly is the wall of the old town, the trees shake hands in the air, so beautiful, I can't help myslef walking under the tree shadow.
this is my first day in Yunam, first impression about Kunming.