
Wonderful Tonight

A very humaliy / high spirit and quality dinner last night; only 3 of us, Lu, Steven and I; Steven asked me to pick the restauratant on Tue. when receving the message, I was diner at the restaurant where we are last night, Jason is considerable a friend of mine, who run the restaurant from his uncle, a graduate student from National Taiwan Universtiy major in Politic Science; Nochalos is the chef they recruited half year ago who getting acquanted with me and who alway tried his best to serve us.

I book the French restaurant for us last night, we were the only guest last night , we stayed, talked, drinked for 4 hours without any interupption; although Steven and I belongs to the same Fourm in YPO., but this is the first time I really knows him, a reletevitly deep in his heart; even in the Forum discussion, you will never got a chance to listen to your faternity drawing his picture for 2 hours, Steven did it last night , and we enjoy knowing more about him, a lot more, the non-commercerlization, no business bullshit human in front of us. I respect this and happy to discover the other side of the Forum brother.

Lu is seeking her second half life now, resigned from the post of General Manager in one of the 3 terresitral TV station about a year ago, she spent 6 months travelling and empty herself ; we met half an hour before the dinner, she would like to go over with me the idea of holding company which I touched upon when visiting Hwataoyao together the other day, I honestly inform her the plan now and how I will concentrate on the area I familier with; as professional manager in the job market, we feel the same lost and wondering around; as I wrote in my diary today, the older your are, less flexiable you can be , and you take longer hours standing on the cross road , waiting for the green light; Steven was the first foreign student accpeted by Harverd in Archechecture for post-graduation study, thus his artistic training was solid, I am impressed in his knowledge about non-business topics, the only value I am not in line is the " Elite control, or lead " mindset.

Lu is an interesting person, the more we know each other, the more we can feel the same frenquency. see what we can do together next; during the dinner, we had red wine from Tampa. traditional Southern France BBQ , delicious desert and great mind sharing. this is the perfect and quality dinner.


A all day trip outside didn't wash away my worry; asked my wife why I am not feeling securied? she said because I am afraid, afraid of not performing well. not deliver the result I estimate, afraid of being fail... I had to admit that she is right, then I asked How should I overcome my fear? she said to me : the worst is to sell our house and replace with a samll apartment, if I didn't tried my own business, when the validation day of my contract appraoched, I will feeling the great depression again, and this time, very possible, will be my last chance to work in this transnational corporation; why? because I am getting old, because there always new talent coming out, because I am not a Japanese. if the future ahead didn't look bright, if what I am doing now doesn't promise a positive direction, I need to put more heart on my own business, no matter how hard it will be... this is what my wife told me last night.... I am glad to have her with me, I can share, talk and think, she is not pushing, but keep telling me not to postpone my problems to the near future, face it now, time won't be by my side anymore.

Yes, I am afraid, afraid of what I can think of will not turn to positive future, people invest me based on the judgement of my previous experience or credit, but why I decided to depart from the entertainment business, either I don't like it or I don't have the confidence to bring it to next level of success. if entering the old model of business thinking won't bridge to the better rate of success, why jumping to the deep water where you see the futur of your own?

Telling her the media company recruiting company reconnected again, she asked again : in your mind, you thinking of working somewhere for someone again? don't escape from working for your own and be independent somehow", yes, I am totally wrong again, but what skilled I had, what techonology I can derive? this is so blur and fuzzy; if not pursuing another company, then, what left in my hand to be fulfilled?

Commidian artist Mr. Ni committed suidcide the other day, it make the big news exploure on the TV, one news channel cited some Chinese old saysing to educate people: it catogrogied 3 majoy misfits in life:

1. Success Young.
2.Fail in mid-age.
3.Having affairs when getter old.

the warning bell rings so hard, I am too old to passing number 1 and maybe encounter with number 2, unless you find a new defination of " Success " and example of number 3 all over the place, the livily warning shall never be ignored.

Deliver my after-manger-meeing comments in English, this is what I encourge our managers to do; an without prior arranged lunch invitation by S. -- we go over a little bit of Ezfly; Professor Chung called for the final confirmation of the speech in Chi Nan International Universtity, I am thinking hard for the subject : it should be something like " Where do I go from Here "


The ice-breaking opportunity came when accompany Fruit to her junior high school entrance examination, we didn't know there's an examination held on the day of " School introduction for parent ", we were told to bring our children to school; it's early, we need to be there by 8:30 am, I urge my wife to hurry up, she have to do her face / make up / hair for at least 2 hours, and there's no such a " I am ready " signal; I have to push her and warning her the time it up; this always cause quarrel and troble, there's no exception on Sat. morning. she forget to bring the fruit blanket which we suppose to send it to Mr. Wu as a gift, then she retune home picking it up while I was busy in listeing to the presentation, I was so angry, as I warned her not to go back, she ignor and doing it without noticing me , so I am really mad, the emotion burst out and we had a big fight; although the fight is gone now, but when posting this experience, my pulse in beating up and I am angry still; why not listen to me as we agree to do this ? I am really mad.

Fruit shed her tear when heard that there's an examination on the day of introduction, she complained about not been infromed by me or school and she didn't prepare anything for it. when the test is over, I chat with her and comfort her in a Father's touch, she is fine and we regain a family tie.

Sat. night, the YPO north Asis golf tournament, although I didn't play golf, however we were told to present at the dinner to show our hostipality; I went there on time, S. called from the airport and would like to have word with me in regard to the EZfly issue, so, I reserved seat for him, but we didn't talked a lot, to be honest, we don't even touch upon the real issue. sitting in the table with Korean / HK YPO er, I don't feel that I am belonging to them, cigar / wine / singing / gourment food; I have a question mark on what we we doing ? is this the spirit of YPO, or this is the extention of hostipaily or friendship? I don't know.

Finishing reading Elizabath Kubler-Rose's biography : The wheel of life; in the latter part of the book, the " middle mand between live and dead " and " After life " discussion come to me, I am not so comfortable about these 2 subject, as I respect a woman with great mind in the way she save the soul of the human and it's society by ones will and believe, but not through the power only a few people can recongised; I value people fighting to death not because there's a place after life where you can really rest in peace and all the pain in physical life will be gone forever. this is a good book relevetively speaking even I found some unfavorable crues.

change the plastice of my ping pong racket and do a 3 man's battle this morning, better performance than last Wed. last Wed. my winning point is zero, today, although I am not totally back to norman, but at least I sweat as much as other player.

Sound will go to Orchid Island tomorrow, this is the Forest School semester event, well. all the family member jearous about this great thing. he is lucky.

if Fruit successfuly pass the entrance examination and become the new student of TS high school ( which I belive it will come trun on May 10th ), the we have to prepare 500,000 NT for Sound and Fruit in a year, this is a big burdon for a family.