

My lovely prior colleages tried very hard to move me - I mean to drive my tear, unfortunately, they didn't make it. this is my last year end party with S. - the company I help to establish, I don't know why I didn't cry, maybe I aware of how they plan to do it, or-- follow after my wife's explanation, I knew what I am doing now and too busy to feel sorrow about leaving.The party began by 6:30 pm last night, executives were late for the party, Chairman came all the way from Tokyo, with the understanding of Mr. Hochen, I arranged K. and S. to visit him by 7:00 pm, normally he will leave the office by 6:00 pm, however, the traffic yesterday was so bad, we broke up the group to 3 and I was the first person to be there - by 7:10 pm, Y. and A. couldn't make it finally, to, a telephone greeting instead, thanks for the techonology, the appology can be made without presense. I really apprecaite Mr. Hochen's caring about me.Busy day, working on my own and working for my own is REAL , remember I used to register this name as a virtural company - Roger Lee Entertainment And Lifestyle, pay my first visit to Accton in the morning, it took us more than 2 hours to be there, the innocent F. didn't check the address or map, so, we lost in the Shinchu Science Park and wasting for another 20 minutes, if I didn't give him the red envolop in the morning, I shall be in sane.AJ delivered what he promise, I respect and admire his will. when talking to the marketing head of the company, there's hardly any room for me or our company to slip in, I mean, their first move to localization and launch branding product is well prepared. the PUSH web were ready - from Product planning, scheculing, markeing, promoiton, channel developing. it seems like we have nothing to be contributed. Thanks to my knowledge to marketing and service and some learning from current industry, I point our 3 areas for them to think:1. What's the product : The educational process before and on launching the device, how to do it and how to do it clever and simply ( such as Flesh menu )2. The Pull survey : the focus group should not limited to assocition, but expend to the demografic target, and tried to measure the " sycho distance " when touching the device.3. After sale service : as the long term revenue scheme is service instead of transcation, the Customer service team should be important, they must combine 2 main area with monitoring scheme - first, the device, second, the service.I think I perform well during the meeting, I really really appreciate the saftly net I received right after the meeting.Light meal with Lu for CHT Foundation issue, as she called my late the night before, I fully aware of my consulting role is expended to partnership, the instant reaction and sense made me burn the wisdom and solution quick than before, within 1 hours of conversation, I managed to handle almost all of his issue and fixe her concern immediately.C. share her feeling about why leave NYC , this time, she disclose everything entirely, I appreciate the partnership and friendship and I share with her , the sacrifice for each other is the golden heart we have other than partnership, it will ultimately drive us to the kingdom of success.Dinner with S. night before is the clear cut of Ezfly offering, I am not sure if S. feel bad, but what he shared with me : Why not chose to be the architecture aftrer grudate from Harvard " is the ture insight from a successful business man. as I turned down the offer, I feel great and thought the equal postion is the long lasting juice to our brotherhood.Visited Eric.'s foundation at his residence, nice place , as he owned and operated 5 foundation at hand, I shared with him my concept for " LiChun ", I love what his father said decades ago, " Man can't be either empty in brain or emty on hand "Call Mr. Chu, the response is so nice, we sat an appintment next Tuesday. a person I turlly admire and I defenitely need his advise on the road ahead.

Year End Party 2005

My lovely prior colleages tried very hard to move me - I mean to drive my tear, unfortunately, they didn't make it. this is my last year end party with S. - the company I help to establish, I don't know why I didn't cry, maybe I aware of how they plan to do it, or-- follow after my wife's explanation, I knew what I am doing now and too busy to feel sorrow about leaving.

The party began by 6:30 pm last night, executives were late for the party, Chairman came all the way from Tokyo, with the understanding of Mr. Hochen, I arranged K. and S. to visit him by 7:00 pm, normally he will leave the office by 6:00 pm, however, the traffic yesterday was so bad, we broke up the group to 3 and I was the first person to be there - by 7:10 pm, Y. and A. couldn't make it finally, to, a telephone greeting instead, thanks for the techonology, the appology can be made without presense. I really apprecaite Mr. Hochen's caring about me.

Busy day, working on my own and working for my own is REAL , remember I used to register this name as a virtural company - Roger Lee Entertainment And Lifestyle, pay my first visit to Accton in the morning, it took us more than 2 hours to be there, the innocent F. didn't check the address or map, so, we lost in the Shinchu Science Park and wasting for another 20 minutes, if I didn't give him the red envolop in the morning, I shall be in sane.

AJ delivered what he promise, I respect and admire his will. when talking to the marketing head of the company, there's hardly any room for me or our company to slip in, I mean, their first move to localization and launch branding product is well prepared. the PUSH web were ready - from Product planning, scheculing, markeing, promoiton, channel developing. it seems like we have nothing to be contributed. Thanks to my knowledge to marketing and service and some learning from current industry, I point our 3 areas for them to think:
1. What's the product : The educational process before and on launching the device, how to do it and how to do it clever and simply ( such as Flesh menu )
2. The Pull survey : the focus group should not limited to assocition, but expend to the demografic target, and tried to measure the " sycho distance " when touching the device.
3. After sale service : as the long term revenue scheme is service instead of transcation, the Customer service team should be important, they must combine 2 main area with monitoring scheme - first, the device, second, the service.

I think I perform well during the meeting, I really really appreciate the saftly net I received right after the meeting.

Light meal with Lu for CHT Foundation issue, as she called my late the night before, I fully aware of my consulting role is expended to partnership, the instant reaction and sense made me burn the wisdom and solution quick than before, within 1 hours of conversation, I managed to handle almost all of his issue and fixe her concern immediately.

C. share her feeling about why leave NYC , this time, she disclose everything entirely, I appreciate the partnership and friendship and I share with her , the sacrifice for each other is the golden heart we have other than partnership, it will ultimately drive us to the kingdom of success.

Dinner with S. night before is the clear cut of Ezfly offering, I am not sure if S. feel bad, but what he shared with me : Why not chose to be the architecture aftrer grudate from Harvard " is the ture insight from a successful business man. as I turned down the offer, I feel great and thought the equal postion is the long lasting juice to our brotherhood.

Visited Eric.'s foundation at his residence, nice place , as he owned and operated 5 foundation at hand, I shared with him my concept for " LiChun ", I love what his father said decades ago, " Man can't be either empty in brain or emty on hand "

Call Mr. Chu, the response is so nice, we sat an appintment next Tuesday. a person I turlly admire and I defenitely need his advise on the road ahead.


Touching Stone

Take one day off for some " Duty to perform ", this is an unspoken promise to a lot of something. wake up by 7:30 pm, the after Hot Spring sleep was wonderful. take the long drive to Bali and see little Tan, until this Oct. will be him 10th anniversaly. as usual, we stayed for only 10 minutes, brough him his favorate fruit - Apple and wispering about my next move.

Heading for Yinger by taking the route of Lin ko hill, it take only 40 minutes to get there. a short visit to the old celemric street for serching proper gift for Y. and A. - 2 Japanese executive who accept me to the internet / telecom door and pave the road to where I am not, although I am leaving, I wish to show them my sincere gratidude. so, buy some local best art is a good way. we found 2 pieces of status , it fit there charactor perfectly, one is with a very " Stable " gesture, the other is with a Zen ambience. on our way back, we visited the Hakka culture center and do our Hakka lunch there, it was good, when we finished our lunch, wife found that the front tire of our car was broken, we are so lucky to find a master in a car maintanace factory, helping us to replace our spare tire, and told me if we didn't change the tire, trategy may happen on the freeway.

repaire and replace 4 tires at the factory located in Shintein, I took the 2 house break to fix the " Hako project " from the root to the top, I think everything come to a match point, resouce exchange and the platform building is just in time, Thanks for the timing. it will never be done earlier and later.

Discuss J.'s book concept with C. I do admire her intellengence and come up with a strong point for positioning a very difficult target. and do the CHT project with " extra service ", this is a very good strategy and insight, if the organization is paralized by us, then we will be the wheelchair for them, they will need us more and more, the value we created will never be replaced.

Keelung night market is the compensation for the day, and I am so happy to finish almost everything in one day.


CEO - Expired

I promise myself to create a new blog for the new life and new identity, however, I am fully occupied in new business development, so, I rented , or in other word - steal the CEO title for a few days from now.

I am thinking to create a new blog entitlted " The Road to Social Capitalist ", to better describe how I plan / work / develop / implement the theme of " Image a better world ", it sound good and worth the effort to document it, by myself and in my own word.

Worked overnight for CHT BP, sending SMS to Lu and confirmed she is fine with the final touch, she called me this afternoon and said the conversation with Chairman went well and we - Lichun community manager to get the first oral contract - from the biggest list company in Taiwan, as the client will ultimately shinging our brand, we were so exciting.

Chat with T. for the International Youth Traveller product bidding status, he is comfortable with the rist , which was list on the contract , and we go over a few obstable, as we foresee some of the problems when it come to execution. I am happy to learn that he is so capable to handle it and equip with the passion to make it work.

Lichun first group lunch take place at Chulk Full - the cafe' which I love recently , it located at NKSP, and we order the German sausage pizza and go over a few house keeping issues, I love the first day feeling, what surprise me is when asked E. about our colleage, as I've been away from them for a few days, E.'s reply make me stonk for a while, she said the impact is huge, well, this is beyond my imaganation, but I have to take care of my own living before caring about others' feeling, this is a crul and pratical world, I can't haste and waste.

Chat with J. about the future of Kokoro, I love the positioning C. gave to them now : The Peter Pan, it will never grow up, but with a slightly touch upon love - puppy love.

fixing a few house keeping issues in the office and heading for the hot spring relaxation with wife, J. called in my way tot Wulai- he is so concerned about the proposal and so afraid that I will steal his money from their company, as I learn his idea already and adjust the project and my attitude to a " Book centric " development, but it seems that J. thought book is my kidnapping to his image or social status, I am not upset nore feel bad, but to think how to handle client like him ? it's easy for me to compare the so call BOSS in Taiwan, and I can easliy tell who garner the higher ground and scale of devleopment, but, as my wife advise me, I shall surprise him by telling him this is a " Free of Charge " project and see how his reacation is. this is funny, thanks God, I don't need to be he manager and spending time no the less- contributed way, but I do apprecaite his role plan, which make me see the real world much clear than before.

Share with wife C.'s idea about rent the office in 101,. she is so against this idea and said, the higher we climb, the deeper we fall, she is not supersittious, but insist not to rent office in short, and don't think about 101, if we really need one, why not buy one for oursleves ? she is the money keeper we definetly need, thanks God, we have complementary role like her to be in our team.

I need to think it hard and think if over how to position myself and Lichun to the word ? the groud and the domain we can stand still, and the blue ocean we own which others can't touch. as we leverage the NPO / NGO concept, our mindset should be pure and clear, this is the reflection to my nature, I shall honest to my feeling and tried my best for a " Better World ", thanks everyone to provide me such a good new start.

First Day and Last Day

How I spend my last day as CEO of the company? Let me think, I woke up early, preparing for my ping pong exercise, if fall to Saturday, I wasn't able to enjoy the sweating out for quiet some time.
Having my favorite breakfast. the Chinese Pizza ( Shiao Bin ) with oil stick ( Yu Tiuo ), soy bean milk with one bum, the corner breakfast restaurant make my weekend as usual.
Arrival at the GTS by 9:00 am , on time, so you have to wait, until 9:30 am, began the pracice with Tom, until Frank, Eric join us. I manage to conquer all the play, I want to be triumph for the last day as CEO, So, I did, gambling in my heart with the number of safety net, I won straight for 16 games. I am satisfied and relief.
Lunch with team mate to the FISH restaurant, it's been so long since my last visit. the flesh fish taste as good as before; after the meal, 4 of us ( Sam join for the lunch ) discuss their New Star Project at Mr. Brown cafe' , I am in love with this space, nice, warm, decent room with free access to internet. what interest me is how they wish to hiject Same's elder brother and product a program / product / community by leverage his brand and to exchange resource Sam requied the most - Cash. I am interested to be participated.
Home by 5, we brought kid to the Circle night market for dinner, local delicacy can easily make my day, I had the Taiwanese curry rice, the cold Tofu salad, Pan flied oyster cake and the local rick ball sweet, I am so full.
Home for the CHT foundation business plan, can't figure out how to start ,as I need to rewirte it. have a few unpleasant emotion with wife, so, the project stop there, we chat and communicate for so long, until she help me to come up with some good idea for CHT, this is a great achievement, especially the " Fast Car " idea for survey the digital gap.
we climb to out top floor at the roof balcony for the conut down, the first time we participate, but from our home, the 101 building is so beautiful, fire craker and fireworks show began on 12 midnight. this is 2006, my days as CEO is gone and I am on my own foot now. not regret and not pity.

Jan. 1. first thing in the morning, brought all the family member to the movie " Narniya ", we went to Warner Villiage by 8:00 am and sit on the 8:50 am screening, I love the movie, it's touching, after it, I rush to Mr. Brown and beging my work for the CHT BP, unitl Celine joined by 3:00 pm, I done half of them, then the appointment with Lu by 6:00 pm, we modify a few slide , after another FISH dinner, I went home by 9:30 pm and resume the unfinished slide, sent it over by 12:20 , a nice SMS from lu, I think we mangered to obtain this every important clinet - in professional and personal way.

on the 30th, Sinyi proposal was sent and greet agian, brought Celine to meet with Chairman, and my presentation for Lichun impressed all in the meeting room, Chairman really helps, with his gesture and body lauguage, I tried to convince how we can handle the community case. the proposal should sent this week.

A very busy Dec. 30 and Dec. 31. a very prosperious first day of 2006. always remember " You choose what you like, now you must like what you choose, or belive " and remember " Long life is not good enough, Good life is long enough "