New Tricks
Learning how to use Podcast yesterday, using my new toy - iPOD Nano, I install iTune version 5, following the Podcast icon, I successfully access to the podcast library; this is an amazing development, it's like a diary with Sound , as it equipped with rss, which means it can be easily accesee as blog - 「blog to go」- is what I want to describe this new finding, using blog, you can now color it with picture, even multi-media, but with Podcast, now its sound on the go, in the future, with be footage / video on the go.
The personal media development is on the edge of tipping point, I am so impressed by the new application evloved from the internet. user is not only echo with their experience, now, they are part of the new economy participator, or even more critical - creator. I pick the Business Week Cover story and subcribe it, the first episode I listen gave me an new inspiration, as I had a sterotypy of an audio book impression, I though the Business Week might simply have someone to narroate the article and put the audio file to the podcast library, to my surprise, they utilize the podcast a tool to promote the current issue of weekly periodical, using the same cover story, they invited 2 persons ( should be celebrity or scholor or some talk show host ) to talked about the cover story, the interviewing session and interactive program illustrate some key points from the cover story, but not turning the article an audio file, then 2 purpose served : first, you won't get boring if you read the managize already, some intersting point came out of the interviewing, second, if you are the target audience ( should be, otherwise, you won't subcribe this free service ), you may be interested to buy one after listening to the podcast, a free audio commercial without advertising format. I even sign up for Diary Chinese Language learning, see how popular it is for American to learn Chinese. music channel of course, U-turn Cafe' is the program I subcribed for testing.
Diary with Sound and on the go. this is a good communication development, and you will not worried about not too much audio to update or replace your music catologe in your iPod. again, scale first , then scope arrive, if the iPod economy didn't come to a critical mass, the application devleopment won't be significant. Quantaty is the Power, Community is the Power. Communication is the Power. Creativity is the Power.
Bump into my younger classmate C on the hallway, she turn around and call my name, I stop and chat with her, then I found this is the last day of her, I don't know the reason, but promise to call her up. buy her luch a month ago, how come things developed this way?
Replace and install music C. request, then I get the message from her, mention how she was moved when listening to " Two out of three ain't bad " at Toronto. that's a birthday gift and my instint told me she will bring it to the trip. but do anyone knows what's " Two out of three ain't bad? " doese anyone really know Jim Steinman's composition metaphor ? My integretation is : the chorus in the song is " I want you, I need you, but there's ain't no Way I gonna love you. cause 2 out of 3 ain't bad " so. the 3 consisit of " Want, Need and Love " the 2 are Want and Need , it stand of physical contact or Sex, instead of Love, am I right ?
I shall not raise my emotion
Sending message to Yang and warning myself to " Live every minute hard ", I sit at the conference room, concentrating on the retention discussion. the idea of remove " Termination Download " application form service casue my first upset, why we doing this unpleasantly to cause the uncomfortable feeling of our subscriber? according to one director at the meeting, this is the idea from K. I am not in line with this approach, to direct traffic to call center for all the termination is fine , if we can manage to convince them to stay, but the point is : What to make them stay and why they decided to leave ? to put more hurdle in front of the subscribers and cause them facing problem when plan to terminate our service? is this the " Sincere Service " we've been proud of ? what if one subcriber release this new and agiant consumer benefit action through BBS, the damage of brand is much greater than the termination of subs.K. made assumption for the meeting and asked a staff S. to make comment and collect information from the directors at the meeting ? this statemate really make my mad, I don't care this is in public or not, I am not trying to humilate him or her, but I strongly raise my voice and asked : We have 3 directors in the meeting room, they lead more than 200 people in the company, why can't they assign someone to complet the task, but to follow a not even a " supervisor"'s instruction simply because you asked her to attend the meeting ? my second challenge is : every staff at our company have his or her own role and responsibility, why make S. an exception to the company regulation. don't she have her job decription? and why not follow HR procedure making her a special assistant before you put her at the directors' meeting ? why ? I walked out the office with anger, he didn't respect all the directors in the company, why should I save his face? although he appology to me at my office, but I simply tell him to think about other director's feeling, I agree with him not to challeng him in public again, and I told him this is my last time to provide my opinion in public.Sending mail to Tokyo , asking the liasion to add my resignation an agend to coming board meeting, he doesn't agree, I must convey my message when former Chairman visit us in early Nov. my wife asked me to take long leave after Nov. 10, this is the strong ambition to show my will. I agree with her.Talking with Celion and come up with a no-conclusion conclusion. the procedure of correcting contract with NYC is a very unpleasant experience, the only good thing in doing business with government is they will not go bankrupcy - in a way.Tokoy sending Kish for teaching us the web-sale experience, when inviting him over for lunch, I asked when he join AOL Japan, do they provided any training ? the answer is not, to me, I think the assignment for K to visit us is another learning for him, the value it for him, not for us. why ? I don't really understang.People have their own agenda, I shall be better prepare for myself, in the end, you must service for yourself.
President Chen declear the war in Parament
During the interview session in Senli TV, President Chen declear the war to Pan-Blue parties, he mentioned is the blood must shed, then beat it; this do shock the entire society, as the presidentical election gun shot is in a myth now, only half of people in Taiwan respect him as President, why he dare to enlarge the gap of Taiwanese people, this is so ridicurious, this is so unreasonable, and the break up of the feeing for people in Taiwan will be hard to mend.I wrote a confession message to Yang, explained to her my sycological feeling toward work, already I didn't release much, but I describe the 「3 Stones Stages」to her, this is to Lift a big stone -- the start up of any new company; Hold the big stone - the sustain and growth of the company; Throw the bigh stone - the hand over to succesor. almost every executive must passing this 3 stages and the intengible of stone is a big pressure to executive, althouhg to other's eye, this is transperency and no one see the big stone on top of you. the confession it to gain back my courage and passion to live my every day life.She will take another kimotheraphy on 20th, preparing for the worst suffer to her body, I should prey for her, instead, I am seeking her comfort ; as I told her in my message; The value of a person generated by how others needed him. to me, her friendship is priceless. I am looking at the mirrow again and I should admit all my weakness and smile at them, at least, at this moment of time, my body didin't asked for repairing.
All you can eat Temple
Monday afternoon, Sound had a compensation day due to the community parade on last Sat. so, I turn myself to the family direction and decided to join them for , a Monday Blue turn Red activity.
Met up with them at Sogo where they had the exercise in the morning, we supposed to go to Keelung, but due to the wrong highway lane, we were force to go south, this lead us to Tao yung county, but it dosen't matter as I know there are beaches in Tao Yung county. we drove for a while unitl found the way to the sea direction, passing by a small town called " Tsao Lay ", accidentally I found a beautiful temple, asked my wife to stop. we went inside and check, this is a very gourgous temple, with an unique name " The Protection Temple " to look inside. the temple worships more than 300 different Gods -- according to Sound who counted those sculptures and Gods. this is to my surprise, then I realized this is an old temple renovated recently, the temple been theres for 152 years, I was so impressed by the one who come up this idea of collecting all the Tao God and Godness under one roof, this is a " Central Hospital " or a " All you can eat " service to those people who seeking their idea God to solve there problems, in the God's world, there always a priority or importance ranking, I am curious to know how they rank those Gods and how the poeple mutully favor this hybrid religion, but this is a very special experience for us. then we went to Yung An Fishman's wraft, a tourist port right now, enjoy some good sea flavor, I did love the cafe on top of the fish market.
Tuesday to Taichung, a bus journey to release some of my presure, I love the place " National Taiwan Musume of Fine Arts ", nice building, great view, good design and excellent place to sit and do something or do nothing. taking the bus, round trip 460 NT and 5 hours on the road, my way of highway feeling, listing to my favorite tune from my iPod nano, a new way of life.
10 years after - Eric Johnson
I saw him performed 10 more years ago in New York, there's a club called " Bottom line " somewhere near the Washington Square, I was there alone, for nothing, but to enjoy a night of Guitar, the whole Bottom line is in black, include the stages, Eric perform with his band for 90 minutes, I hardly remember what he said on stage, but the music and light with the black curtian and stage, that's the night I never forget; since, I became the fan of Eric long before your turks recognise him as one of the G3 featuring guitarist. I was with music industry before and I was enthurisam in all kine of music and I falling in love with New York.10 years later, I saw him performing at Beito - a hot spring area near Taipei, the venue which I never been before, this is another night of Eric Johnson, but I am not high at all, maybe the light wan't right, to be honest, there is not lighting program on the night, a small venue with the capacility limited to 1000 people, in Rock Zone - this is what the promoter segment to sale in a higher price, I found chairs, this is rare to seen, to my surprise, for the entire performance, only one little girl dancing in one song, she stood up and dance at her seat, other than this, audience only applause, no screaming, to my knowledge, the excitement wasn't built up in the show, Maybe I am too old for this concert, so my passion wan't with me, myabe I am too tired also, so my feet didn't follow the tempo or maybe Eric and I were both used to this circumstance, so it's hard to create new surprise. But I brought my iPod nano with me and I still get high when playing Bob Catley's tunes. Maybe I am no longer a rocking roller - physically, but mentally keep the rocking spirit, that's all.
AJ called in early morning for a good news, to handle his 3 NGO fundation and run to a non-profit eBay model, another choice when leave, but I am a little bit hesitate on what he mentioned over the phone - find a place to hide for a year, actually, I am not hiding anything or anyone, I must correct the impression I leave for my friends , otherwise, I may be treated as one of the runaway person.
in this world - 6.3 billions of people, half of them in poverty situation and can live less than 2 UDS per day, how lucky we are, this is the update information I get. Avior Flu is anothe threat to human, I don't know why Taiwan government asked to recall all the Flu medicine to central contral, it may cause additional panic for Taiwanese people, the black market price should be high and the fraud medicion will flood to the market also.
WANG called from Shanghai asked for my oppinion in dealing with his office political situation, I simplely inform him a few tips, I wish it will hele him out, I don't know.
Handling Christine's case last night at Starbuck, it's alright, as I told her I've been away for too long and the music industry changed significantly, what I am confidence about before now become a question mark, I wish the no contract relationship may last, I will help her but no guartee for breakthrough.
Terry and Yen came for the Ukulele reunion concert discussion, the money thing is not so emabrassing now, maybe it will work if everyone goes with the money issue, this is the easy part, what's been difficult is the object money can't not slove.